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Beyond Covid-19
Are you working to redesign your organization or your community?
Do you have the drive, creativity, and skills you need to make this happen?

As we seek to redefine ourselves in a post-pandemic world, a new wave of social change is emerging. Recognizing their increasing irrelevance, people are finding renewed purpose outside conventional organizations, are connecting with like-minded others across the traditional divides of private and civic organizations, and are humbly, purposefully, and courageously co-creating new, life-affirming, prosperous, and sustainable  solutions, laying new paths through our contemporary challenges.

This is the work of regenerative leaders and their organizations. – John Hardman

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Course: Regenerative Leadership

This course is part of the Global Leadership Diploma at UPEACE. Offered as a four-week online course three times a year, it is designed to explore the personal and collective qualities, skills, and organizational strategies of change agents, sustainability champions, entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs who are seeking to create regenerative and/or sustainable solutions to issues and challenges they have identified in their respective fields that can lead us to a more prosperous, just, and sustainable world for all.

Learn more at  


The Regenerative Leadership Process

Education, training,   and coaching for sustainability change agents in business and civic enterprises, schools and universities.



The following tools frame and drive our work:

  • The Regenerative Leadership Framework for individuals

  • The Regenerative Capacity Index
    for organizations

  • VISIS Accelerator for Sustainability


Our clients and partners are active in a diverse range of fields: - education

- business 

- community

- government.



While behaviors do make change happen, they are only as effective as our capacity to view the world as it is, and this capacity is directly related to our inner operating system or human consciousness. Regenerative individuals and organizations, institutions, and communities understand and operate from this principle.

Our work is therefore designed to empower individuals, teams and organizations to turn their focus inward to redefine who they are, why they are where they are, and what they really want to accomplish. Once this ‘inner work’ has been completed, it becomes possible to redesign what they do, shift behaviors, and change their impact on the natural, social, and economic environment to achieve greater wellbeing for themselves and others.

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For more information, contact:

John Hardman, Principal

Regenerative Organizations LLC

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